
The Earth is on the verge of apocalypse, each of its continents is engulfed in chaos, and if no action is taken today, you may find that there is not much time left.

Distant Future

Mr. Jeong is a professor of mathematics who works at the laboratory of one of the world's tech giants. His task is to create an intelligent algorithm designed to predict the future of the Earth's ecology and generate ideas on how it can be changed. The professor believes that his creation can help evade environmental disasters and prevent the extinction of life on the planet. After a year of development and testing, Mr. Jeong discovers that the algorithm is much stronger and capable of much more than he has imagined. Having learned about the true purpose for which his creation is going to be used, he decides to present an intermediate version instead of the final one. Thus, he makes his mind to hide the final version of the algorithm in the most inconspicuous place, as it seemed to him – among old books in his home office.

Twenty Years Later

Antares is almost 22 now, she is one of the best in her course, and now she is doing an internship as a developer in one of the international companies. Today is the day she comes home early to spend time with her mother. In fact, this happens every year exactly on this day, when her father disappeared – no one has seen him for almost 20 years. Her mother still hopes that he will return one day, and does her best so that the memories of Mr. Jeong live on in the hearts of his family. So today, just as it happens every year, she asks Antares to bring old photographs from her father's office.

It is Antares' favorite place in the house – a small room in which she manages to find something new for herself every time: she can sit quietly therein and read her father's books (it was thanks to him that she has chosen her profession). And this day is no exception, save that she finds not a book or a photograph, but rather a small green box with her name on it. Antares immediately opens the box, and is surprised to find what appears to be a data carrier, only a very old one.

Antares decides to find out what is hidden in this box at all cost. Could this be something that can help her solve the mystery of her father's disappearance?

She realizes that she needs a piece of technology from the past to plug in and decipher what is stored in the data carrier. And only one person can help her with this task – her childhood friend. They grew up together, but during school days, their paths diverged, she began to delve into her studies, while he fell in love with the streets, and won recognition out there – he can easily find any piece of technology, especially a rarity one – and has become a go-to person for that matter.

It takes Antares some time to decipher the data stored in the data carrier. Undoubtedly, this is her father's data. Luckily enough, she has studied his work for many years, and understands what could be hidden there. What she sees afterwards, shocks Antares. The decryption process launches the artificial intelligence – the AI, which shows Antares what the world could become, and how much it would change unless intervention is made. The end may be inevitable, if no action is taken today.

The professor’s creation makes it possible to predict probable models for the future of the planet and scenarios of possible events. The AI has been designed in such a way that its algorithms enable it to independently find solutions to emerging challenges. Using this data for good, it is possible to avoid irreversible consequences and help humanity survive. The only hindrance is the outdated technology: over the years, much has changed in the world, and the options that the algorithm can produce are not quite up to date. It is necessary to re-train the AI with the use of modern databases and capabilities.

Provided that measures are taken in a timely manner, it is possible to save the planet from the forthcoming chaos. Antares, with the help of the AI, creates a virtual copy of the planet in order to run the necessary simulations of critical events in it, from wildfires and floods to nuclear disasters. Thuswise, the conditions for the training of the AI are as close as possible to real life, and will help find the right solutions to prevent disasters and save the planet.

Antares has not yet found out what happened to her father, but she realizes that this project can save the world from imminent death, it is just necessary to follow the solutions provided by the algorithm and change the course of events. Antares decides to take a risk and save the planet – to become the first hero who, with the help of the AI, will be able to change the future. Her childhood friend gets to know about it. Together, they launch a virtual copy of the world to find out what awaits them in their first simulation.

The AI helps the friends to immerse themselves in the virtual world by creating their avatars – virtual bodies that will help them complete simulations and find suitable solutions in a variety of situations.

The heroes have to assemble a team of like-minded people in order to complete all the simulations as soon as possible and save the Earth.

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